Release: Fundamentals of Education in Ghana - Educate Ghana Summit - Educate Ghana Summit




Monday 13 August 2018

Release: Fundamentals of Education in Ghana - Educate Ghana Summit

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At the entrance gate of a university in South Africa the following message was posted for contemplation;

"Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long-range missiles. _It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by students".

Education in recent times in our dear country has seen a very bad progress even though our leaders are striving to make it better if not the best.

This rejoinder spells out the need for government to attend to the *Fundamentals of Education with regards to the Basic Schools in Ghana.
The Basic Schools are the pillars, and if not made strong it will collapse the entire building.
The section of Education cycle in most parts of the country is facing hardship
in terms of the deficit in infrastructures such as classrooms, staff common rooms and others just to mention few.

Chapter 5 of the 1992 constitution, specifically,   Article 25 of (Fundamental Human Rights) mandates that "All persons shall be given equal educational opportunities and facilities...." (entrenched)

In some areas of Ghana, basic schools are well stocked but not the same in most rural areas in the entire country.
Talk of the likes of Kwaman Basic School in the Afigya Kwabre North District in Ashanti Region, where more than 3 classes study in a single room.

How do we then expect; 
i. such children to write exams without cheating?
ii. such child to perform as his/her colleagues in the cities who are enjoying better education in addition to free food?
Indirectly, Article 25 of Chapter 5 of the 1992 Constitution has been breached because educational opportunities and facilities have been given to a few schools.

The cases of.....
a. pupils writing on the floor due to lack of exercise books.
b. pupils sitting on bare ground and under trees due to lack of furniture.
c. children are deprived of education due to limited classrooms to accommodate large number
d. (7:1) Seven pupils to a textbook
e. ICT and Int. Science lessons which need constant practice in laboratories are being taught in abstract*
f. The teacher not getting accommodation in and around the school community
g. More than 500 basic schools need aid from stakeholders of Education
Ghana as a developing country cannot do well if our education is undermined.
Exporting our mineral resources generate income but with Education, we can add value or process the minerals here. 
We need all hands on deck to rejuvenate and strengthen our Education sector.
Think Ghana First, our future leaders( pupils), and the generation to come.

Rent Control Department must be up and doing.
Citizen not Spectator

Mr Boadi William (CEO),
Educate Ghana Summit.

Mr. Kojo Nsaah Kwao,
General Secretary.

Ministry of Education
                      educate the nation...

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