Objectives - Educate Ghana Summit





5:1. To educate the general public thoroughly on current government policies and developmental issues.

5:2. To petition government positively and provide contributions towards nation building.

5:3. To petition a government on pupils and teachers welfare.

5:4. To suggest innovative, practical and entrepreneurship oriented educational policies.

5:5. To provide impartial (non-partisan) opinions on political issues confronting Ghana.

5:6. To make rules and standing orders for categories of members and their rights.

5:7. To bring back parents into the educational spotlight.

5:8. To organise meetings, training courses and educative events for the youth.

5:9. To take any action that is lawful, which would help to fulfil its aims.

5:10. To provide support and see to its welfare contributors.

5:11. To educate the nation on aspects like our culture, religious life and our tradition.

5:12. To educate nations on how to handle their currency and keep it clean.

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