GHANA IS 62 YEARS OLD BUT STILL NOT FULLY MATURE - Mr. Boadi William, CEO of Educate Ghana Summit. - Educate Ghana Summit




Sunday 10 March 2019

GHANA IS 62 YEARS OLD BUT STILL NOT FULLY MATURE - Mr. Boadi William, CEO of Educate Ghana Summit.

The prominent educationist, motivational speaker and CEO of Educate Ghana Summit, Mr. Boadi William has declared that, our beloved motherland Ghana is indeed old but still not fully grown, taking into consideration the available resources (naturally and humanly).

Ghana is 62years old this Wednesday 6th March, 2019. Interestingly, history repeated itself. This year's celebration falls on a Wednesday same as it happened the first time in 1957.

The theme for this year's Independence day is, " *Celebrating Peace and Unity"*. It shall be staged in the Northern Regional capital, Tamale, to commensurate the reign of peace and unity in Dagbon.

For emphasis, he said "we live in deeds, not in years" because Ghana needs to have better achievements to boast of now, but not just 62 as a number and still being deprived.

Notably in Ghana, during the lean (dry) season, most communities hardly get access to portable water either for drinking or use domestically. On the other hand, most places become flooded during raining seasons making people lose their lives, properties and other valuables. This phenomenon persistent without finding a solution.

Another major concern is the attack on our roads by armed robbers. Haven hustled and gathered some wealth for yourself, some particular group of people who wouldn't toil but always want to live in luxury, attack you and make away with all your possessions and possibly, assassinate you. In the light of this, Ghana is seen to be old but still not fully mature.

The few tax payers in the country seem to be doing a *"yeoman's job"* as the taxes collected are not put into good use, thereby thwarting the efforts of we the industrious Ghanaians.
 All we see is misappropriating  and embezzling state funds by certain individuals and groups of people.

The rampant road accidents due to the bad nature of roads and reckless driving in the country is heartbreaking. We live in a country where the elites in society:- leaders and the rich breach the laws but go scout free. Nothing happens to them. We instead, worship them.  Ghana is seen to old but still not fully mature!

 Unfortunately, about 70% of  Ghanaian populace are unemployed. Basically, it is expected that everyone, whether or not, educated must have a decent job to do for his/her daily bread and to contribute to the development of our motherland, Ghana.
However, the story is different! Where are the jobs? We live in a country where, if you don't have any godfather in a particular political party in power, then forget it!

Our leaders ought to build and upgrade our hospitals, but they rather opt to travel abroad for medical treatments. Ghana is seen to be old but still not fully mature.

Mr Boadi once again emphasized that, upon all the big men we have, we can't manage our own affairs meanwhile, our forefather, the late Dr. Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah said, " the black man is capable of managing his own affairs". Now, Ghanaians can't manage their own education sector, electricity company, agriculture, health service and many more.

 He unequivocally said, in Ghana, it is only politicians and leaders who are highly reputed enjoy the national cake. Most Ghanaians are poor due to the egoistic style of leadership. The idea behind Independence is lost and it now turns to a curse.

Instead of our leaders being patriotic enough to protect the future of the nation by building  more dams for electricity supply and upgrade our only motor way since our population is growing at a faster rate, they are rather seen in corrupt activities.

We need to focus more on agriculture by growing more cottons to feed bonwire kente weavers, ATL and GTP among others in order to revamp our old factories. This, when we do, will create more jobs for the citizenry.

Preferably, we always import goods from outside countries. We don't patronize our Ghanaian products thereby increasing tastes and preferences for foreign goods. Ghana is seen to be old but still not fully mature.

Ghana is 62 years old but our institutions are still folding while our leaders are enjoying huge salaries and allowances.

Conclusively, Ghana is a blessed country, but our bad attitudes is  achieving greatness. Good citizens, humbly, let's change our attitudes now!

We are citizens but not spectators.


Long live mother Ghana
Long live Educate Ghana Summit

Mr. Boadi William CEO,
Educationist/Motivational Speaker.

Mr. Frimpong Edward
General Secretary and Director of Communication.

Dr. Sulemana Hafiz Abubakari
Deputy Gen Secretary

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