ROAD ACCIDENT: WE ARE ALL INVOLVE! - Educate Ghana Summit - Educate Ghana Summit




Monday 5 November 2018


Research has it that, at least six (6) people die each day through road accident. From the month of January to June, 2018 a total of one thousand and eight (1,008) commuters have lost their lives through road accidents.

Mr. Ofori Yeboah, the Executive Director of Ghana Road Safety Commission has also stated that,  they have recorded two thousand and eighty five (2,085) crashes resulting in three hundred and sixty six (366) deaths and two thousand, two hundred and seventy two (2,272) injuries between January and February, 2018.
This inimical accuracies is doing a lot of harm to the people of Ghana. The recent accident that occurred at Bunsu which claimed about six (6) lives is very disheartening.

Road accidents cannot be eradicated completely, but can be reduced drastically if drivers and other road users will adhere to the under listed precautions presented by the 'Research and Technical Advisory Team' -  Educate Ghana Summit.

Drivers and other road users are to;
1. Respect the Traffic light

2. Take note of the road signs and comply with, where needed.
Eg. Where there are speed ramps, curves, turns, zebra crossing among others.

3. Reduce speed limit to [50km/h] when;
a. It is raining.   
b. One gets to a slippery grounds
c. Road has pot holes.
d. Moving in town.
e. Moving on the outer lane of a road.
f. The atmosphere inhibits visibility.

4. Always put on their seat belts.

5. Report any reckless driving to the nearest Police Station or any Educate Ghana Summit (E.G.S) Official.

6. Wait & alert the other drivers behind to stop and allow pedestrians to  cross the road when necessary.

7. Always tie goods properly before set off in order to avoid falling off which may lead to accidents.

8. Make sure lights are working properly.

In addition to the above, the following must also be observed;

1. Do not drink and drive

2. Do not drive when angry.

3. Do not drive when exhausted/stressed. Always take a rest when needed.

4. No unnecessary overtaking.

5. Do not argue with the police, passengers, etc while driving. Rather report any misconduct or better keep a death ear and be tolerant (the hall mark of the experienced)

6. Do not drive without expertise and license.

7. At night, do not throw 'high lights' into the eyes of the approaching driver and you must also alert him when he does so. This is very important as it causes accident the most.

In conclusion,  Police officers who are fond of collecting tokens from drivers must desist from the act and nab drivers who misconduct themselves on the roads to save lives.

Educate Ghana Summit therefore wishes to congratulate  Mrs. Patience Sarbah, on her quest to ensure lives are safe on our roads.
We are solidly behind you Ambassador.
  Let's all put the above into practice and road accidents will be reduced to the minimum.


Mr. Boadi William
(CEO) Educate Ghana Summit

Mr.  Justice Abanga
Deputy CEO/PRO
Educate Ghana Summit

Mr. Kojo Nsaah Kwao
Educate Ghana Summit
General Secretary

    Visit: for more.


1 comment:

  1. Ghanaians will see no yield in this exercise,base on some few facts.
    1. Until the police stop taking cash into their pockets and rather learn traffic regulations and good drive skills from training schools to acquire knowledge and put them to practice.
    2. Government seeing a grace period for educating drivers to understand deeply driving skills and human life as precious. Besides knowing how to service vehicles.other than seeing it as a crime punishable.
    Eg. We train animals to work we find good conditions and don't use force on them why the human.
    3. Reduce the number of illiterate drivers who site to discuss how fast and good they are able to do some dangerous maneuvering and are perfect in such therefore take credit in doing such.
    4. Political and government officials eating into road contract sums and fixing shoddy roads that end up as traps for drivers on our roads.
    5. Potholes that are never fixed until deaths happens several times. Bridges washed by rain water letf to hang until deaths happens.
    6. Most deadly is the rate of speed rumps and bumps are fixed everywhere killing rather the tax payers than those who pay virtually nothing.
    Besides our tax used for these rumps end up destroying and reducing the life span of our roads.
    7. Seatbelts are to be encouraged at all gates and toll bridges. It shouldn't be a crime punishable

    Once all these and many more are met we can achieve this goal.
    Thank you.
    Borut Senker.
