Release: Rent, An Agent of Homeless in Ghana - Educate Ghana Summit - Educate Ghana Summit




Tuesday 7 August 2018

Release: Rent, An Agent of Homeless in Ghana - Educate Ghana Summit

"so when we ask them(landlords) to take one month, the one month amount will not help them to pay off their loans given them. We have come to realise that it is an inconvenience to landlords  also one month to three months cannot help landlords renovate their properties so we have taken into consideration that one year rent will resolve the matter....... Mr Twum Ampofo( Rent Control Officer)..
Issues of rent have become problematic in our country Ghana.
Landlords in Accra and it's suburbs and in some parts of Ghana charge as high as (2) to (3) years advance. A chamber and hall goes for as high as ghc 500 -ghc1000.
how do you expect a newly employed worker to clear this advance dept as an average income earner?

Rent Act 1963(ACT 220) says payment for rent must be from a month to six months only.
Also Rent Control law 1986 (PNDCL 138)  section 4 (1) makes provision for tenancy agreement which should be registered with the rent and housing committee in a documented form to make it more legal.
But the big question is; how many Ghanaians know about these policies & is it their fault not knowing?

Currently there is a bill in Parliament pending approval to increase rent advance from (6)months which is not working in Ghana to (1)year and how many know about this.

 ADR - Alternative Dispute Resolution stated in 2017 reports that in Ashaiman landlords exchange Sex for rent.

Our  leaders speak of affordable housing yet people are sleeping on the streets, in kiosks, under overpasses and many more
and they talk about affordable housing just to deceive the poor man and woman with no place to sleep to vote them into power and embessel funds.

In D.R Congo, a rent deposit is made for (3) months, an when you move into the apartment,you pay monthly for your rent and when you want to relocate, your initial deposit is refundable just because their institutions are working.

Rent Control Department should be up and doing. Tenants are stressing because of the actions of some ignorant landlords.
We shouldn't sit in offices, spend exuberant amount of money and claim we are working.
 The laws governing rent must work,
Rent Control must prosecute ignorant Landlords and see to it that the right thing is done in the country if not the department should be absorbed into the Ghana Police Service at least they can be of great aid.

Tenants must report such landlords to the Rent Control Department and if nothing is done send  both landlord and Rent officer to court for prosecution.
This will keep Rent Control Department and "Culprit (landlord)" on their toes.

Our institutions must work.
Citizen not Spectator

Mr. Boadi William (CEO),
Educate Ghana Summit.

Mr Kojo Nsaah Kwao,
General Secretary ,
Educate Ghana Summit.

                           we educate the nation...

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