Release: Recommendations to Government on Double Track Education System - Educate Ghana Summit - Educate Ghana Summit




Tuesday 7 August 2018

Release: Recommendations to Government on Double Track Education System - Educate Ghana Summit

Ghana has in recent times experienced a change in its Education sector which has affected the Colleges Of Education which is changing from Diploma in Basic Education (D.B.E) to Bachelor in Education (B.E.D).
Relatively, our Senior High Schools (S.H.S) is facing a metamorphism from the term system to semester dubbed Double Track System of which sandwich sessions are of no exemption on the grounds of:
Absorbing a large number of students with facilities available, increase in contact hours from (6hrs) to (8hrs), leave no successful from basic schools at home.
Educate Ghana Summit operating on the basis of neutrality see this as a good approach because:
1. It will not deprive a successful child of basic school access to secondary education
2. Increase in the contact hours will give teachers ample time to ensure a quality of lesson delivery
3. It will reduce unemployment as 8,000 or more teachers are to be employed
Despite the points elicited above, Educate Ghana Summit in its aim to educate the nation is making recommendations to the government in that the quality of this policy can be achieved when government:
1. Engages veterans in Education like GNAT, NAGRAT, CCT and others in calendar designing since they have practical experiences in education
2. Reduces the number of subjects and in the syllabus to meet attainment of objectives and reduce tension on teacher
3. Encourages practical lessons by providing a quota for purchasing of Teaching and learning materials ( T.L.Ms ) if possible institute resource centres in Senior High Schools.
4. Provides necessary education infrastructures like in "needy" schools to accommodate an increasing number of students within a short range of time.
We are stressing that politics must be left out of education to ensure its quality and not quantity.
Ghana is bigger than us but we are the key to its development.
Education for you, Education for me, Education for all.
Thank you.
Mr Boadi William (CEO),
Educate Ghana Summit.
Mr Kojo Nsaah Kwao
Educate Ghana Summit
General Secretary.

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