


Wednesday 6 June 2018



By Issifu Seidu Kudus Gbeadese

To govern is to serve! To govern is to sacrifice! To govern is to be selfless! Systems work because citizens want and work for them to, because citizens are always ready to give off their individual interests for the system to work for the whole. Systems work on the orientations, beliefs and aspirations of its people. What is the system? The system is you, it’s me, it’s us.

The bane of Africa today is its corrosive systems, fragile systems, weak systems, systems without guarantees, systems without direction, systems manned by corrupt minds and this is the bane of Africa and for that matter Ghana. If you see how a USA citizen is ready to defend his/her country, if you see a USA security official ready to die for two to live, it’s just what makes the USA great. Think about your own country and ask yourself what you have done or doing to help build the system instead of fighting it.

Today, Anas is evil, Anas is corrupt, Anas is a flirt, Anas is a businessman, Anas is a property owner, Anas has feelings. Only yesterday, when Anas emerged, he came as the only savior, the Messiah and the Prophet Africa needed to save its dying souls. The marbles only changed positions not because the modus operandi of Anas has changed but because he has chewed a wrong bone. But because the bone he chewed was too hard for him and for us, nobody is ready to ask the right questions. Hypocrisy, gullibility, stupidity, witchcraft or laziness? What is the problem of the Ghanaian?

The Messiah in Anas was celebrated only yesterday when he exposed the rots in the Tema Port which was known to all businessmen and the ordinary Ghanaian that there were loads of revenue the nation loses as a results of the rot in our Ports. Just when all of us started complaining about the kinds of judgements being churned out by our judges where an armed robber can be granted bail or sentenced for two weeks while a mobile phone thief is sentenced for 119 years, Anas went in and exposed the hidden hands that did the magic for these weird judgements. His stories about the child trafficking, about the child molestation at the Osu Children’s Home, about Cocoa smuggling were all hailed by Ghanaians and the international community. What has changed in the case of Kwesi Nyantakyi, his GFA and others?

So why the sudden outburst by Ken Agyapong the loudest? Why should Anas be hounded because he has yet another big story to tell on the 6th of June? Why should what is yet to be aired be referred to as what would pull down the Nana Addo-led administration? Should our concern as a people be hinged on how to make our system work or be pinned on who stays in power? When it suits Ken Agyapong the loudest, he says he’s working for Ghana and not his party, when the odds go against him, he feels what matters is he and his party. But why would such an empty liar be taken serious by any serious minded Ghanaian?

This is Ken and his battles over the period;
-Ken vrs Ibrahim Mahama; nothing is the problem, but that there has to be one boss in Ghana and that should be Hon Kennedy Agyapong and not Ibrahim Mahama or the hand that fed him.
-Ken vrs Mpianim, Afoko, Prez Kufour et al; His issue was personal, never ready to lose an election he has invested heavily in, so calling Kojo Mpianim, President Kufour, Afoko et al as murderers in order to have his way was ok.
-Ken vrs Ursula; he wants to have his way in the Telecom sub sector like the way he’s dominated the energy sub sector lately. He’s a board member of GIFEC and the chairman for the Communications committee in Parliament. He’s had serious back and forth with Ursula Owusu over some contracts with NCA which aren't going right, hence his incessant attacks on Ursula.
-Ken vrs Opuni; he wants to be seen doing the dirty work for Cocobod in return for favors, that is why he can boast today that he has sent over 300 names for Cocobod’s recruitment and nobody can cough. And today almost all the cocoa roads contracts are his to share.
-Ken vrs Ken Atefuah; he brought his friends from India to take the NIA contract for the issuance of National ID cards so that the company can turn to sublet the contract to his IT local company in Ghana. When this failed, Ken turned around to accuse the NIA boss of taking lands from the Margins Group in order to award them the contact that will cost Ghana a whopping $1.22bn. I can go on and on and on. As for Ken and Mahama, we all know why so no need to tell the story.

But why would Ken Agyapong be struggling to suggest that a private citizen (Anas) who does his genuine business to make his money or own property should be hanged? Has what Ken said about Anas so far any classified information? If Anas wanted to hide and do his business, he could do so by registering with a different name which he’s capable to doing. People know Anas and they work with him. He’s not a superhuman or some angel from the Lord’s inner cubicle. Anas has feelings and he has to have family because investigative journalists across the world do have feelings and families. Ken’s first pictures about Anas have hit the rocks because it turned out that those pictures are not Anas, so who has credibility issues here?

Ken sleeps with any lady, make babies with them and goes free to announce same on TV and on radio, but that isn’t a crime. Anas dates or sleeps with a widow and that should be news? Is Anas a human being or a robot? Ken goes to town to boast of his over 132 houses in Accra alone and over 50 houses in the UK and USA and expects us to summersault from the skies for him to walk over, but Anas has one high rise building and that is a crime? Why is the Ghanaian so interested in seeing the unmasked Anas instead of the masked corrupt leader?

If the issue was about Anas and his interest, like by now he’s working for CNN, Aljazeera, CIA, NCIS and a host of other intelligence organizations in the West. This is a hot cake who has engaged in more riskier undercover works to get justice for innocent people and instead of us hailing and encouraging him, the patronized Ghanaian is interested in his unmasked face because what he’s done this time is against our political party or our friends or the most powerful in Ghana. Isn’t this an insult to our intelligence as a people?

The Ghanaian has been patronized well enough by the Machiavellian politician. The youth have been struggling  in this client-patron relationship for far too long. The gullible has been blindfolded for decades now. The illiterates have been read to for all their lives. The unemployed have been deceived for years. In all these we are prepared to defend them even when it is wrong. We are asked to stay the night while they sleep soundly. We are tasked to bath their horses while they take the whisky. When are we going to say enough is enough?

Corruption has led to the death of millions of Africans, millions of Ghanaians. It has led to society breeding criminals. It has led to bloodletting. It has led to the establishment of the Pyramid scenario where the many suffer at the bottom while the affluent few enjoy at the apex of the pyramid. Let’s shine our eyes for once and get it right. The fight against Anas is a fight against justice, against fairness, against the survival of the weak in society.

In all of these, should the Ghanaian be interested in the fight against corruption or interested in the fight against those who fight against corruption? 

Let’s build a just society and effective systems which will guarantee our inalienable rights and survival of the many against the interests of a few.

#Number 12 must be premiered.

*Copied*  very interesting 😷

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