25 Reasons Why We Should Celebrate Our Father's Day - Educate Ghana Summit - Educate Ghana Summit




Sunday 17 June 2018

25 Reasons Why We Should Celebrate Our Father's Day - Educate Ghana Summit

Below we’ve listed a few reasons why we should be thankful for our fathers…

  1. Dads are our role models. Traditionally, for girls, our fathers are our role models. When searching for the perfect man, we generally look for similar qualities to those our dads possess. For boys, our fathers represent the guardian and advocate of the family.
  1. Dads give good advice. Fathers are great when it comes to giving no-nonsense advice, they’re also a comforting shoulder to lean on, regardless of whether you have work struggles, home struggles or you just need a hug.
  1. They’re our go-to DIY specialists. Whether it’s a power cut, a picture that needs hanging or a broken shower rail, our dads are always on hand to do a little DIY.
  1. Dads help out. Unpopular tasks such as mowing the lawn, taking out the rubbish and walking the dog (even on the most blustery of days) are often left up to dad.
  2. Dads are adventurous. From riding the fastest rollercoasters to watching scary movies and partaking in extreme sports, dads are always up for an adventure – come rain or shine.
  1. Dads are good sports. It’s our mothers who usually take us shopping or to the nail salon, our fathers on the other hand are usually the one’s who are great at sporting activities.
  1. They let you slack. When mum is out for the evening, dads are the one’s who often allow us to stay up that little bit later, play video games, get a take away and even, devour a bowl of ice cream for breakfast.
  1. They help us out financially. From buying a new dress for prom to purchasing a house, our parents (including dad) often help us out financially with everything from the smallest to the biggest investments.
  1. Dads encourage us to do better. You may be worried about an upcoming exam, a job interview or a project deadline, but our fathers are the ones who motivate us to do better. After all, no one believes you to be smarter, brighter, or more skillful than your dad.
  1. They act as our personal removal companies. From the first time you move to University to the first time you move into your new home, our dads are often there (removal van in tow) to ferry both our belongings and ourselves to and from various destinations.
  1. Our personal taxi service. Whether you need a lift to work, the airport or to a birthday party, our dads usually adopt the role of our personal taxi driver – regardless of the hour.
  1. Dads inspire us to be ourselves. Our fathers always inspire us to be true to ourselves and to be our own person, helping us to follow our dreams and goals – both on a personal and professional level.
  1. They help us to find our feet. Helping us to walk is one of the first things our fathers will help us to do.
  1. They protect us. From boyfriends who break our hearts to bosses who overwork us, our Dad’s always have our backs.
  1. They teach us how to do cool things. From skateboarding to surfing to football, our fathers are the ones who teach us how to do an abundance of cool things.
  1. They teach us how to be BBQ kings. We all know that it’s dads job to be the BBQ master. If you’re lucky he’ll teach you how to cook a steak to perfection.
  1. They add humour to our lives. From dad jokes to dad dancing, our lives would be empty with out the humour our fathers give us.
  1. They introduce us to great music. Rock kings, pop legends and country masters – our Dad’s have a wide array of music knowledge, some we love, some we hate – but they’re willing to share it all with us.
  1. They teach us how to drive. Love them or hate them for it, our fathers are usually the one’s who teach us how to drive. Asides from saving us a few pennies on lessons, they help us to master the roads.
  1. They give great advice. From boy dramas to which car to choose or which wine to stock up on, our fathers are great at giving advice.
  1. They take us to our first sports game. Whether football or rugby, our fathers are usually the ones to take us to our first big game.
  1. They let us make fun of them. From dressing them up in tiara’s and make-up, to imitating their dance moves, our dads are always up for a good laugh.
  1. They attempt to cook for us (every now and again). Even if it’s a microwave meal, we often feel privileged when dad attempts to cook for us.
  1. They act as our guarantors. If we need a guarantor to get a foot on the property ladder, dad is our go-to man.
  1. They cover for us. As long as we haven’t stepped too far out of line, dad is usually the one to cover for us – much to our mother’s dismay.
Our dads are special.
Fathers, step-fathers, granddads, mentors, or any man in our lives for that matter take care of us, help us to grow and continually make us feel like we’re number one.
Mr. Boadi William 
CEO of Educate Ghana Summit.

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