


Sunday 2 September 2018


The Sins of KANTANKA! - An Open Letter.
By Kwasi Nimo Jnr.

[Kindly take a quick read]

A Good Brother harmlessly asked, "This Your Apostle Safo Kantanka, why is the government not helping him?" I honesty had no response for him. No one knows what the Government actually thinks of him. I didn't know whether to "retweet" the question back to him or attempt thinking for the Government of Ghana and previous governments as to WHY.

Whenever an issue about the KANTANKA Brand finds its way into the public space, it is greeted with lukewarm reactions. While some well meaning Ghanaians are quick to laud, opine and share constructive criticisms, the larger percentage of the public are quick to personalise, politicise and antagonise without recourse to the matter under discussion and efforts the brand is pushing to well position Ghana on the World map.
Let us call it Human Nature, 'some will love, and obviously some will hate'. Thankfully and Unsurprisingly, the MAN in question is unperturbed, unshaken and still proceeds with his Breakthroughs. But have we bothered as a people to fathom why the Brand keeps growing regardless these negative winds of most Ghanaians hovering around it?
If you follow His NKURANHYƐSƐM On Kantanka TV, maybe you would know how He thinks and treats adversities as a person.

It is pathetic, disappointing and inhumane to have a limping sibling at home, neglect him/her and go out to buy a wheel chair for a limping passerby. Is it a case of sheer wickedness, selfishness or just the Blackman's supposed inability to see through the transparent, or a case of seeking popularity? This is the case of KANTANKA Automobile and Previous and Current Government of Ghana, in terms of support. No notable recognition has been given to the Local manufacturing company, but here we are as a nation, complying to the establishment of an Assembly plant by a foreign Automotive Company within a twinkle of a visit.
(Akuffo Addo lauds VWs decision to set up Assembling Plant in Ghana. Read more here;

Kantanka Automobile Company Limited is one of few local manufacturing companies making technological breakthrough as far as the world market is concerned, but sadly, it is yet to receive a dime of support, recognition and patronage from any Ghanaian Government.
The Company recently opened a showroom off the Achimota road in Accra. This was aired on National Television and in featured in National Newspapers for all to see, but still no cough of support.
[Read more here; Kantanka automobile opens first Showroom and Service Center at Achimota]

Apart from the Majority leader who  graced the occasion with his presence, it was all lovers and patrons of the Brand that filled the premises, with most attendees being Members of the Kristo Asafo Mission, who love their own as much. No government official was officially delegated to grace the occasion though it was drummed in the news weeks before (Tell me about Due process, Formalities and Bureaucracy, and I'll reply you in my next missive).
In the short ceremony, the CEO lamented on how the Dream of His Father, as Ingenious and Patriotic as it is has not seen the necessary support of Government since the Automobile Company was commissioned to operate in 2015.

Annually, the Kristo Asafo Mission, founded by Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka organises a Charity and Technology Exhibition Show, always showcasing a breakthrough in Technology and serving Ghanaians the unfathomable feel of various spontaneous technologies coupled with Charity donations to various State Institutions and Orphanage Homes in the country. Some of these donations even find their ways into the cars  some state institutions and officials.
But it will interest you to know that Government officials initially were sometimes begged to attend, with some even refusing. The few that grace the occasion also serve the congregation and media with the Usual Empty Promises that are just repeated annually, like a traditional festival.
Can't move beyond the talk shop?

I ask myself, what kind of wealth do the ordinary Ghanaian Politician seek while in office, that blinds him or her from serving the Nations in all Truth and Patriotism?
I never dispute the fact that there are smart and well-meaning politicians in the system, but the percentage otherwise is alarmingly embarrassing. What shall it profit a politician to do the needful devoid of the thoughts of making huge returns and enlarging their wallets and purses?
From time immemorial, politicians have taken some totally needless steps and undersigned shady deals that even the 'streetsman' sees as useless, talk less of the educated Ghanaian. Hurtfully, the 'rants' of the few well meaning Ghanaians who speak against it no matter their population and coloration, are tagged as political opponents and enemies of the state.

Sadly, Wisdom these days is subject to what side of someone's interest you are on. (I did not come there today, will do in other missives)

Odeneho Dr. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka (Chairman of Kantanka Group of Companies) has in over His 47 years in the public space as a Ghanaian Inventor and Philanthropist has been drumming home loudly enough that the Blackman is Capable. "It's our skin that's black, but our minds are not black", He usually purports. But I beg to ask the kind of minds with which our politicians rule and the kind of thoughts that run through them when they travel and see the 'progress of other local manufacturing companies in other countries?

CEO of Kantanka Automobile, Nana Kwadwo Safo Jnr, a chip of the Old Block, sings no different a song, and always calls on the Government of Ghana to come to the aid of the Establishments of his father, most especially, His Automobile Company, KANTANKA AUTOMOBILE.

Time without number, I have heard people lament genuinely that the KANTANKA CARS are outrageously expensive, and it discourages well meaning Ghanaians from purchasing the Brand. Also, I have personally encountered lots of brilliant suggestions and opinions of colleagues and even lecturers on how the brand could develop and appeal to the ordinary Ghanaian with a meagre salary but love for Made-in-Ghana products. All of them are not far fetched, but I must mention without equivocation and recourse to any mischief that the KANTANKA Brand did not come unto the Ghanaian market to make outrageous profit and milk Ghanaians off their interests of buying Homemade Products. How do you expect a normal market pricing from a local automobile company that pays taxes and duty on all imports and products (cars) respectively.

Regardless how much knowledge you have of the KANTANKA Brand, allow me to add that it has never tasted the Support of any Government in any ACTIONABLE way. All the supports have been in lip singing, talk shops and empty promises.
The Ingenuity of KANTANKA has not for a second had a tax holiday nor any mass purchase by any Government of Ghana.
The Zeal to make Ghana an Automotive and Technological Hub of Africa and soon the world as a Dream of the KANTANKA Brand has not earned it any notable identity as a local manufacturing company in the eyes of any Ghanaian Government in any actionable way. THEY STILL PAY TAXES AND DUTIES ON EVERYTHING THEY IMPORT AND PRODUCE HERE IN GHANA.
The Revolutionary thoughts of the KANTANKA Brand as a Local Manufacturer and Inventor has not earned it any patent, though the Brand from its onset and prime have been feeding the World with Breakthrough in Technological Inventions. (A Case of the Waving Kantanka Television that is turned on and off with a wave of the hand and regulated with a clap. The same technology was later produced by Samsung and was patented.)
And finally, the love and yearn for the Renaissance of the African Continent into its old Glory by the KANTANKA brand has not yet earned it the love and support it so deserves from Ghanaians especially as a whole, and the Government in particular.

Kantanka has sinned, and it comes without rethinking. These sins include but not limited to;
•Being born Ghanaian,
•Being bred Ghanaian
•Growing up and never fleeing Ghana
•Loving Ghana
•Adoring and yearning to develop Ghana
•Thinking Good of Ghana and Africa as a whole
•Inspiring  and Helping Ghanaians
•Being Philanthropic
•Counselling and Encouraging Ghanaians at every least opportunity
•Using His existence and livelihood as a lesson, inspiration and sacrificial test tool for Ghanaians
•Serving Himself to Ghana on a Platter of Gold.
and finally, Truly working FOR GOD AND COUNTRY.

As Ghanaians, our reactions towards his sins have been unsurprising, expected and well played;
•Quick to attack His looks and personality
•Quick to call Him names
•Quick to showcase Hatred
•Quick to point out imaginary faults
•Quick to Discredit and Malign.
•Slow to offer assistance
•Slow to offer constructive criticisms
This is GHANA!

Let's cut the Brand some cake and change our attitudes towards it. KANTANKA deserves much better.
How many of Us know that another African country served an outrageous acreage of land and was ready to avail resources to Dr. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka years ago realizing how unsupportive and unappreciating Ghanaians were towards his works, but the Ghanaian born and bred rejected the offer and pledged to stay in Ghana? You obviously could care less, right?
Let's not wait to pay homage to the Brain behind KANTANKA when its too late, as we are noted for eulogising the dead and ignoring the living. A Good brother penned an intriguing missive asking what Ghanaians would do if Kantanka was to follow suit after the Kofi Annan?
[Read here; Kofi Annan is Dead: What if Apostle Kwadwo Safo will follow suit? - An Open Letter.]

To our Leaders and Politicians of the Government of Ghana; you know better than to cut off the hand that feeds you. The Time to support the KANTANKA Brand is never too late. I ask again, what shall you lose? The extent which VW has gotten to was not devoid of the support of the German Government. Let us rethink how we treat our Local Manufacturing Companies, else soon, there may be none to boast of.

My Fellow Ghanaians, let us forgive the sins of KANTANKA, appreciate the fact that He still lives among Us, and embrace what he has for us as a people, get to know the actuality of issues surrounding his works and why he does what he does.
Most of all, Let's not exercise restraint in SUPPORTING OUR OWN.

Your Brother,
Kwasi Nimo Jnr.

Kindly Share.

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